Standard for morphosyntactic and syntactic corpus annotation: The Morphosyntactic and the Syntactic Annotation Framework, MAF and SynAF

Laurent Romary; Proceedings of KONVENS 2012 (SFLR 2012 workshop), pp. 516-516, September 2012.


This talk is about the standards for morpho-syntactic and syntactic corpus annotation: MAF (Morpho-syntactic Annotation Framework, ISO/FDIS 24611) and SynAF (Syntactic Annotation Framework, ISO 24615:2010). Both standards complement each other and are closely related. In contrast to MAF, which describes features such as part of speech, morphological and grammatical features, SynAf describes relations between single words, and how words are arranged with each other and connected to build phrases and sentences. The talk presents an overview of the current state of both standards.

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