Proceedings of the International Conference of the German Society for Computational Linguistics and Language Technology (GSCL 2015), Sep 30 – Oct 2, 2015, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany

Bernhard Fisseni
Bernhard Schröder
Torsten Zesch

Full proceedings volume (PDF) Bibliography (BibTeX)


pdf bib Adaptive Natural Language Processing
Chris Biemann
pp. 1–1
pdf bib Interlinguas: Deep and Shallow
Aarne Ranta
pp. 2–2
pdf bib A Reinforcement Learning Approach for Adaptive Single- and Multi-Document Summarization
Stefan Henss, Margot Mieskes and Iryna Gurevych
pp. 3–12
pdf bib Did I Really Say That? – Combining Machine Learning and Dependency Relations to Extract Statements from German News Articles
Thomas Bögel and Michael Gertz
pp. 13–21
pdf bib Fast or Accurate? – A Comparative Evaluation of PoS Tagging Models
Tobias Horsmann, Nicolai Erbs and Torsten Zesch
pp. 22–30
pdf bib GermaNER: Free Open German Named Entity Recognition Tool
Darina Benikova, Seid Muhie Yimam, Prabhakaran Santhanam and Chris Biemann
pp. 31–38
pdf bib God Wat Þæt Ic Eom God – An Exploratory Investigation Into Word Sense Disambiguation in Old English
Martin Wunderlich, Alexander Fraser and Paul Sander Langeslag
pp. 39–48
pdf bib Growing Trees from Morphs: Towards Data-Driven Morphological Parsing
Petra Steiner and Josef Ruppenhofer
pp. 49–57
pdf bib Rule-based Dependency Parse Collapsing and Propagation for German and English
Eugen Ruppert, Jonas Klesy, Martin Riedl and Chris Biemann
pp. 58–66
pdf bib Systematic Acquisition of Reading and Writing: An Exploration of Structure in Didactic Elementary Texts for German
Kay Berkling, Rémi Lavalley and Uwe Reichel
pp. 67–76
pdf bib Wie oft schreibt man das zusammen? The Puzzle of Why some Separable Verbs in German are More Separable than Others
Nana Khvtisavrishvili, Stefan Bott and Sabine Schulte im Walde
pp. 77–86
pdf bib WISE: A Web-Interface for Spelling Error Recognition for German: A Description and Evaluation of the Underlying Algorithm
Kay Berkling and Rémi Lavalley
pp. 87–96
pdf bib A Case-study of Automatic Participant Labeling
Alexander Kampmann, Stefan Thater and Manfred Pinkal
pp. 97–105
pdf bib A Hybrid Approach to Extract Temporal Signals from Narratives
Thomas Bögel, Jannik Strötgen and Michael Gertz
pp. 106–107
pdf bib A Resource for Natural Language Processing of Swiss German Dialects
Nora Hollenstein and Noëmi Aepli
pp. 108–109
pdf bib Annotating Modality Interdependencies
Eva Reimer, Bianka Trevisan, Denise Eraßme, Thomas Schmidt and Eva-Maria Jakobs
pp. 110–111
pdf bib Annotation and analysis of the LAST MINUTE corpus
Dietmar Rösner, Rico Andrich, Thomas Bauer, Rafael Friesen and Stephan Günther
pp. 112–121
pdf bib Automatic Induction of German Aspectual Verb Classes in a Distributional Framework
Jürgen Hermes, Michael Richter and Claes Neuefeind
pp. 122–129
pdf bib Correlation between Lexical and Determination Types
Oliver Hellwig and Wiebke Petersen
pp. 130–137
pdf bib Digitale Kuratierungstechnologien: Verfahren für die effiziente Verarbeitung, Erstellung und Verteilung qualitativ hochwertiger Medieninhalte
Georg Rehm and Felix Sasaki
pp. 138–139
pdf bib Entering Appointments: Flexibility and the Need for Structure?
Karola Pitsch, Ramin Yaghoubzadeh and Stefan Kopp
pp. 140–141
pdf bib Konventionalisierung und Interaktion – das Pledari Grond Online
Claes Neuefeind
pp. 142–143
pdf bib Towards Parsing Language Learner Utterances in Context
Christine Köhn and Wolfgang Menzel
pp. 144–153
pdf bib Recent Initiatives towards New Standards for Language Resources
Gottfried Herzog, Ulrich Heid, Thorsten Trippel, Piotr Banski, Laurent Romary, Thomas Schmidt, Andreas Witt and Kerstin Eckart
pp. 154–156
pdf bib Sentiment Uncertainty and Spam in Twitter Streams and its Implications for General Purpose Realtime Sentiment Analysis
Nils Haldenwang and Oliver Vornberger
pp. 157–159
pdf bib Visuelle Mehrsprachigkeit in der Metropole Ruhr: Aufbau und Funktionen der Bilddatenbank „Metropolenzeichen“
Tirza Mühlan and Frank Lützenkirchen
pp. 160–161
pdf bib IDaSTo – Ein Tool zum Taggen und Suchen in historischen Paralleltexten
Rahel Beyer
pp. 162–169
pdf bib – Linguistische Module für das E-Assessment mit JACK
Tim Kocher, Bernhard Schröder and Ulrike Haß
pp. 170–171
pdf bib KoGraR: Standardized Statistical Analyses of Corpus Counts
Sascha Wolfer, Sandra Hansen-Morath and Hans-Christian Schmitz
pp. 172–173